Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Night

I have just gotten back from the bars (don't judge) in one of the most epic nights I can remember, not on a personal level, but communal. I suffered from anxiety all day, well, for weeks, induced most strongly by the RNC and Sarah Palin's silver speech.

Two days ago I was thinking what I would do, really, REALLY, if Obama lost, and how I would feel. And that imminent feeling of doom sat heavy with me. I said I would cry. And I meant it. Had Obama lost, I would have been deflated, and hurt, for lack of better words, and yes, I would have most likely cried. It's my country, and although I dont wear patriotic colors or shirts, don't chant USA USA in large crowds or jump to declare my nationality, I love it.

And tonight, yes, I cried. But out of relief and joy in the fact that for once, something I believe in counted and had weight. It's just so nice to be noticed everyonce in a while. GO BLUE!


Mateo said...

You voted Obama? What!?!?! I thought we agreed that you would write me in. President Mateo?