Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Cold

After a snowy start to Matt's arrival--we were planning to head back Saturday morning with Greer, but the crazy over-night snowstorm put us back to the afternoon with Erin--we arrived home all in one piece.

It's a lot colder in Helena than it is in Missoula. Mother said that this morning it was -24 when she got up. I wasn't awake for that, thank goodness, having chosen instead to sleep in until a sensible, warmer hour. Like Noon.

Also, this morning, we discovered that the strange popping/snapping noise we heard least night was one of the windows in the living room cracking, it was THAT COLD.

And now I'm down in the basement, several layers deep in clothing, cleaning my old room and building a nest to sleep in and listening to music. I might have to kidnap Ruby from upstairs and use her as a heater later. I'm sure she'll love that.


Adru said...

I can't imagine being on a temperature like that, it's extreme!!!

even with my warmest clothes I wouldn't be able to deal with it, or I could, maybe, if I stay right to the chimenea :P

as I have always said..."everything's gonna be ok"